Admin/Misc PowerPoint Slides (all rights reserved) |
I usually have a slide with the title 'Admin' or 'Misc' or 'Administrivia' or 'Stuff'. On the slide it has a list of the things that I think people need to know before we go too far into the workshop.
Some of these are included in the photo above. They include:
- Timing & breaks
- Evacuation
- Comfort station/amenities (toilets)
- Staying focussed
- Be open-minded
- Encourage your workmates
- (Something about) mobile phones
- And more
I'm not sure when I started doing this. The oldest record I can find in my file archive only dates back to 2006 - and it was called 'Practicalities'. However, this was roughly when I started using PowerPoint in workshops. I trained for many years with only a script and a large whiteboard before I started using PowerPoint consistently. This stuff is covered in Australia's Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment. And for the old-fogies, I cannot remember whether Mager and Pipe discussed it, but is certainly likely.